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Do I have a Pest Infestation?

Do you own a home or apartment? If so, do you know what to look for when it comes to pests? Pests are more common than you think, and they can cause a lot of damage to your home. It is important that you know the signs before an infestation occurs so that you can take action before it gets out of hand.

This blog will discuss some common signs of an infestation, as well as how to prevent them from happening in the first place!

Identify a Pest Infestation By Droppings

If your infestation has gone on long enough, you may be able to identify the pest by its droppings. Oftentimes, this can tell you a lot about what kind of pest it is and whether or not it’s time to call a professional exterminator.

Here are some questions to ask yourself if you think you’ve come across pest droppings: 

  • Do they look like bird droppings?
  • Are they on the floor, or do they appear on the wall?
  • What color are they?
  • How big are they?

If You Start Hearing Unusual Noises You Might Have a Pest Problem

 A telltale sign of an infestation is unusual noises coming from inside the walls or in between floorboards. To determine if you have a pest infestation, you should listen closely to your home. If you notice scratching sounds or buzzing, humming, chirping or other insect-like noises coming from your walls and floors during the nighttime hours (when most pests are active), this could be a sign of a pest infestation.

Also, you should be on the lookout for the sound of insects flying around inside your home. While some types of flies and bees may enter through open windows or doors, we recommend checking for signs that there is an actual nest somewhere inside before doing anything else. These nests can become very large very quickly and pose serious health risks if not dealt with quickly enough!

Have Pests Started to Damage Wood, Walls or Furniture?

If you notice that your wood, walls or furniture is damaged in a way that indicates it was caused by insects, there’s a high probability you have an infestation. The damage from most species of wood-boring beetles is characterized by small holes in the wood surface. If there are large numbers of these holes densely packed together it could indicate an infestation of carpenter ants. Carpenter ant nests are usually made out of soil and wood fibers which the colony builds around itself for protection. The presence of termite colonies can be detected when they leave behind frass (excrement) on either the ground or nearby surfaces. Termites also typically bring food back to their nest so they can digest it inside instead of directly chewing up their food source like other types of insects do with their mouthparts like mandibles (jaws).

Does Your Home Have an Unpleasant Smell?

It’s not uncommon for pests to leave an unpleasant odor.  Some common odors include:

  • Rotten eggs
  • Rotten meat
  • Moldy or mildewed items (if you’re dealing with a moisture issue)
  • Dead rodents and other animals in your walls or attic (including mice, rats, and cockroaches)

Other Signs of Pest Infestations

It is important to know the signs before you have an infestation. If you suspect that you have a pest infestation, it is essential to take action immediately and contact a professional like our team of experts. However, if you don’t know what signs to look for in your area or just want to be extra cautious, here are some common places where pests like to hide:

  • Inside walls and chimneys
  • Underneath sinks and cabinets (especially along baseboards)
  • Around window sills or any other entry point where there’s an opening in the wall or flooring

Remember—the earlier you catch signs of an infestation, the easier it will be to remove them before they become more severe!

This is a crucial issue to be aware of, especially if you are renting an apartment or house with other people and don’t want them to know about it. The best way to keep your home or apartment free of pests is by doing regular inspections and making sure that everything is in order before something gets out of control. When you do feel like you must call someone, call our team at ProShield Termite & Pest Control!

Are Cockroaches Normal in Alabama?
Yes, cockroaches are considered normal in Alabama as they are common household pests found in many regions of the state. Various cockroach species thrive in Alabama's warm and humid climate, making occasional encounters with these pests quite common. Effective pest control measures and preventive actions can help manage cockroach populations in homes and buildings.
Why Is There A Cockroach In My House?
Cockroaches may enter your house seeking food, water, and shelter. They are attracted to warm and humid environments and can find their way inside through cracks, gaps, or openings in doors and windows. Once inside, they can hide in dark and secluded areas, such as kitchen cabinets, under appliances, or in bathrooms. Proper sanitation and sealing potential entry points can help prevent cockroaches from entering your house.
What Kind Of Roaches Live In Alabama?
In Alabama, various species of cockroach can be found, including the German cockroach, American cockroach, Oriental cockroach, Brown-banded cockroach, Smoky-brown cockroach, and Wood cockroach.
What Is The Most Common Roach In Alabama?
The most common type of roach in Alabama is the German cockroach (Blattella germanica). These small, light brown or tan insects are known for their rapid reproduction and preference for warm, humid environments. German cockroaches are often found in kitchens, bathrooms, and areas with access to food and moisture. Due to their adaptability and ability to hide in small spaces, they can be challenging to eliminate once they establish infestations.
How Big Are Cockroaches In Alabama?
Cockroaches in Alabama can vary in size depending on the species of roach. The most common cockroaches, such as the German roach, are typically about 1/2 to 5/8 inch in length. Larger species like the American cockroach can grow to approximately 1.5 to 2 inches in le
What Makes Cockroaches Dangerous?
Cockroaches can be dangerous due to their ability to carry and transmit diseases, contaminate food and surfaces with pathogens, trigger allergic reactions and asthma, and cause damage to property.
Do Cockroaches Bite?
Yes, some cockroach species can bite humans, but it is relatively rare. Most common household cockroaches, like the German cockroach, are not known for biting humans. However, they can still cause health issues through other means, such as carrying and spreading disease-causing pathogens.
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