5 Tips on Getting Rid of House Mice

Mice may be cute, but they can also be destructive. Contrary to popular belief, mice are not just pests that eat and destroy food products; they can cause damage to your home and spread disease through their feces and urine. To keep these rodents out of your home, you need to take steps before you ever see one—and even then, it’s not too late! Here are five tips on how to prevent mice from coming into your house (or getting back in after they have left).

First, Seal Off All Potential Entry Points.

As a general rule, mice are not particularly skilled at jumping, climbing or digging. They are small and agile enough to fit through very small spaces—including gaps as narrow as one-eighth of an inch. If you see signs that your home is being invaded by house mice (or have seen them in the last few weeks), there is a good chance they were able to sneak in through some crack or opening you haven’t noticed before.

To find these openings, use the following method: walk around the perimeter of your home and look for cracks in walls or floors, open vents that could provide access to the interior of your house, pipes that might creak when pressure builds up inside them, etc. Once you have found any possible entry points into your home—which will probably take less than 10 minutes—seal them off with caulk or steel wool as quickly as possible.

Use Peppermint Oil or Bleach to Mask the Scent Trails that Mice Use to Find Food.

In order to get rid of house mice, you need to stop them from smelling their food. Mice use their sense of smell to find food, and they can smell it from far away. If you don’t want mice in your house any longer, the best thing that you can do is spray peppermint oil or bleach on all areas where the mouse has been seen. This will mask the scent trails that mice use when they are looking for food and keep them away from your home.

Create a Natural Barrier by Planting Marigolds Outside the House to Discourage Rodent Entry.

Planting Marigolds is an easy, natural and low-maintenance way of deterring mice. They don’t like the smell and will avoid areas where Marigolds are planted. The flowers can be grown outdoors or indoors and can thrive in small pots on the patio or balcony if you don’t want to maintain a large garden.

Buy Plastic Shelving for Storing Dry Food Products Instead of Cardboard Boxes or Paper Bags.

Buy plastic shelving for storing dry food products instead of cardboard boxes or paper bags. While it seems like a good idea to place your boxed cereal and crackers in thin plastic storage containers, mice can chew through them with ease. Plastic shelving is sturdier, easier to clean and will keep your pantry safer from mice infestation.

Though mice can be a common sight in your home, they don’t have to be permanent. By following these tips and taking care of any problems as soon as they appear, you can keep mice out of your house and protect yourself from their unsanitary habits. When dealing with mice or any other pests, reach out to our experts at ProShield Pest & Termite Control.

Humane Ways to Get Rid of Mice in Your Home

Mice are one of the most common pests in homes and buildings. If you’ve ever had a mouse in your home, then you know how annoying it can be. Mice are fast, quiet and difficult to spot—and they can wreak havoc on your property. That’s why many people opt to kill them when they find them in their homes rather than trapping them. However, killing mice isn’t the only option available for dealing with this pest problem; there are humane ways of getting rid of mice in your home that don’t involve killing any animals at all!

Use a One-Way Trap to Release Them Unharmed

One-way traps are a humane way to catch mice. They work by letting the mouse enter through their doors, but not back out. This method is great for small spaces like attics and basements, as it lets you catch rodents without actually having to handle them yourself. One-way traps can also be used in conjunction with other methods (like baits), helping you ensure that all of your pests are gone.

To use one-way traps effectively, place them near areas where mice have been seen or where droppings have been found. Then simply wait for the rodents to enter! When you’ve caught your first mouse using a one-way trap, release it into an area far from where it was trapped so that it doesn’t come back again. If possible, try to find another space outside where there aren’t any predators lurking around.

Use Peppermint Essential Oil to Repel Mice

Mice dislike the smell of peppermint, so you can use peppermint essential oil to repel mice. If you have a mouse problem, buy some peppermint essential oil in a health food store or online. You can also use the oil to make a homemade spray that will help keep mice out of your home. The oil is safe for humans and pets, so it’s not harmful to use on your furniture or around your home when you spray it with this homemade repellent.

Put Mesh Screens on Chimneys and Vents

Mice can get into your house through chimneys and vents. A mesh screen can be used to prevent them from entering these areas.

To install a mesh screen over your chimney, follow these steps:

  • Measure the width of your chimney opening and cut two pieces of hardware cloth that are 1/4 inch wider than this measurement.
  • Staple one piece of hardware cloth around the edge of each side of the opening, using small staples or nails. Be sure to staple all four sides securely, but not so tightly that they tear the material or bend outwards too much; you want it taut but not overly tight against the outer edges of the openings themselves when fully secured in place with staples or nails (rather than just being held there by a tension between them). This will ensure maximum effectiveness at stopping mice from climbing up inside your home through this route without causing structural damage to any part within reachable distance below where they could try climbing on top instead (such as insulation lining walls inside rooms).

Call a Professional 

Mice can carry diseases such as salmonellosis (food poisoning), hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, and leptospirosis. They also chew through electrical wires and cause extensive damage to homes by burrowing through walls and destroying insulation material. In addition, they contaminate food with feces and urine which can lead to food poisoning if consumed by humans or pets alike!

If you’d rather not kill these cute little creatures we suggest using an electronic trap instead! Just remember never leave any animals inside one because they could get hurt or even die from dehydration if left for too long without water available within reach.

Mice are pesky little creatures that can cause a lot of damage to your home, but they don’t always have to be harmful. By using the tips above, you can learn how to get them out safely without harming them or yourself. You can always opt to call the professionals like ProShield Termite & Pest Control to get the job done for you. Contact us today at (251) 758-2229!